Why can't I log into Ticketsolve?

We've all been there; it's early, you're bleary eyed, the coffee hasn't kicked in and for some reason the incredibly memorable and totally unique password you use to get in isn't working...

So … why can't you log into Ticketsolve?

Check your login credentials

First of all, let's check what you're entering on the login screen:

Logging In 1.png

  1. Double-check your Username and Password - These would have been provided to you, initially, by someone on your Ticketsolve account with Manager or Super access, and are unique to each User. Make sure you are certain these are correct. 
  2. Double-check your User Role - Each User has a unique User Role assigned to them. Different roles allow access & control of different sections of the system and this must be set correctly to allow you to enter. For more info on the different Roles, please see our article on User Roles.
  3. Location and Start/Join a Sales Session - These are optional entries and are not required for access, only for Sales and Reporting, so will not be the cause of any login issues.

If you cannot remember any of these entries, or what you are using isn't working then this is the point to ask a Manager or Super user on your Ticketsolve account for help. Your User may have become deactivated, or you might need your password to be reset. 


Resetting User passwords and reactivating User profiles can performed by anyone in your organisation who has a User profile role of Manager or Super. Any login issues should be raised and resolved internally in your organisation wherever possible. For security reasons, Ticketsolve Support should only be requested to reactive a User profile as a last resort. 

Contact a Manager or Super user on your Ticketsolve account

Users with Manager or Super level User Roles on Ticketsolve have access to the Users Tab on the sidebar. From here they can find your User and check/do the following:

  • Check that your User profile is active (and reactivate it if not)
  • Reset your password

Reactivating a User profile

1. Go to Users > Manage Users.

2. Click the eye icon underneath the user search bar.

3. Select the user you need to reactivate (you can search for them in the search bar).

4. Click on the toggle next to Active user? so it is blue.

5. Click Update

The User will now be able to log in. They will need to log in within the next 24 hours of being re-activated otherwise their account will go inactive again.

Reset a User password

1. Go to Users > Manage Users.

2. Select the user whose password you need to change.

3. In the Password and Password confirmation fields, enter the new secure password. (Note that you will not be able to view the current password at all here).

4. Click Update.

The user can now log in using their new password.

Why do User profiles deactivate?

By default Users will go inactive when they haven't logged in for the past 21 days - this is for security purposes. This setting can be changed to increase or decrease the number of days before a User goes inactive, up to a maximum of 365 days. 

To change how many days of inactivity are allowed before a User profile deactivates:

1. Go to Settings > General Settings.

2. Find the setting called "User deactivation days"

3. Enter the new value e.g. '50' for 50 days and click Update.

Note that after this setting has been changed, a User will need to subsequently log into their account for the new number of days set to activate.

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