How to remove Booking Fees & Charges from free/comp tickets

In this article, we are going to look at removing per-ticket fees and charges from your complimentary tickets, or any ticket you don't require your normal charges on. There may be situations where you do not want the booking fee to apply to a ticket price, a comp, or if you have a free ticketed event.

Setting up a complimentary Pricing Scheme

In this example, we are going to set up a comp/free ticket and ensure there are no booking fees or charges attached.

First, you will need to set up the ticket in Pricing Schemes.

Go to Manage >  Pricing Schemes.

Here you can add to a current Pricing Scheme or click Add New+.

1. Name your scheme - in this example, we will use 'Comp' (for complimentary).

2. Ensure the toggle is clicked on (blue) to activate the pricing scheme.

3. Add an optional colour.

4. Select Add.


Now we want to set up the comp Ticket Price.

1. Name your group ticket, e.g. 'Complimentary'.

2. Click the toggle on (blue) to activate the ticket price.

3. Enter zero value 0 as the price.

4. Select your price type Comp.

5. Add an optional description that will appear online.

6. Enter an optional priority number. The priority order determines which order ticket prices appear in the pricing scheme online, with 99 being the highest priority.

7. Leave the Group size as 1.

8. Print Group Ticket - leave this unticked.

9. Add optional Tags which can be helpful for reporting or for use with promo codes.

10. Click Update Ticket Price.


Removing the Booking Charges & Fees

Once you have hit Update Ticket Price on the Comp setup, click on the Settings tab.

Click the "skip per ticket booking charges" setting.

Tick the box (blue) and select Update.


We can now see here that the booking charge on Account Level is set at £2 but the "skip per booking charges" setting on this Comp Ticket Price is set to 'true' meaning all per-ticket booking charges and fees are now turned off on this ticket price only.


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