Troubleshooting why Automated Reports are not sending

In this article, we will go through different steps to check when having issues with Automated Reports not sending. We will look at checking the User and system comments, the Sales Report itself, and the Automated Subscription. 

For a step by step guide on setting up the feature please see our guide on creating and sending Automated Reports.

 Ticketsolve Tip

It may seem obvious but always make sure the recipient has checked their Spam/Junk mail folder!

View the system comments on the User profile

On the User profile, system (hidden) automated comments can be viewed to see when an automated report sent and what it was. They offer an insight into when and why an automated report did not send.

1. In the User profile go to the Comments tab.

2. Click the pink eye icon in the top right-hand corner.

If an automated report has sent correctly you will see something like the following:

29 Apr 2023, 06:00 by Unknown User
[AUTOMATED] sent flex_accounts_daily_payments_reconciliation using schedule ["Every Day at 6am"], next occurrence is 2023-04-30 06:00:00 +0100

Auto report comment sent ok.png

Here we can see that the user was sent the Accounts - Daily Payments Reconciliation using the Subscription schedule 'Every Day at 6am' and the date and time it was sent (e.g. 29 April 2023, 06:00). 

If an automated report has been set up to send, but has not sent for some reason, you will see something like the following:

25 Jul 2023, 07:00 by Unknown User
[AUTOMATED] EventsRevenueSubscriptionDeactivation - deactivated this subscription because: no_tags?

Auto report comment not sent.png

In this example, we can see that there was a Subscription set up for the Events Revenue report to be sent automatically, but the Subscription was deactivated automatically because there is an error in the set up.

Subscription deactivated messages and resolution

25 Jul 2023, 07:00 by Unknown User
[AUTOMATED] EventsRevenueSubscriptionDeactivation - deactivated this subscription because: no_events?

There is an incorrect or missing Tag on the Show, so we need to check this is there, correctly formatted, and matches up to the Tag selected on the Sales Report.

25 Jul 2023, 07:00 by Unknown User
[AUTOMATED] EventsRevenueSubscriptionDeactivation - deactivated this subscription because: last_event_too_old?

There are likely Shows included in the report (due to a Show tag) that are several years old. To resolve, set up the current automated report with a new Show tag.

Once you have resolved the issue, you can go ahead and reactivate the Subscription.

Check the Subscription 

1. Go to Reports > Sales Report and find your report.

2. Click on the Subscription tab next to Saved Reports.

3. Here you will see any active subscriptions for that report.


Check the subscription is set up correctly with the following information:

  • User - ensure the correct user is marked on the subscription. 
  • Report - this will be greyed out and populated automatically based on the Sales Report you are currently in. Check this is the correct report.
  • Saved Report - this is where you selected the report that you built.
  • End Date - this is where you set the date you want the auto report subscription to stop. The furthest ahead this can be is 365 days from the day you create the report. Check it is not a past date.
  • Active Subscription - make sure this box is ticked (if it's not, the subscription you're creating won't be active and so the report won't send out).
  • Schedules - here is where you add the time, day and frequency that you want the report to send out automatically. You can be specific here, for example 'Every Monday at 9am' or the 'End of the month at 5pm'. You can find example phrases and learn more about the scheduling functionality in our guide to auto report scheduling


View all Subscriptions

Instead of having to go into each individual report to view your subscriptions, we have added a new section to the Reports area of Ticketsolve.

  • Go to Reports > Subscriptions tab.
  • This Report Subscriptions view lists all Automated Reports Subscriptions, from all Sales Reports, in one view. Find your report.
  • Check the User and if the subscription is Active or Inactive, and whether the subscription has Expired


If you have followed all these steps and are still having issues with your report please contact Ticketsolve support.

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