Forcing a customer record to be added to all Box Office orders

By default, orders placed at Box Office can be made and confirmed without a customer record being assigned to the order. In this case, the order goes under 'Unknown Customer'. If you'd like to prevent this happening, you can set your Ticketsolve account to require a customer record be added to all Box Office orders.

To enable the requirement for a customer record to be assigned to Box Office orders:

1. Navigate to Settings > General Settings.

2. Find the setting called "customer required for boxoffice".

3. Tick the box to enable.

4. Click Update.

Force customer at box office 1.png

When this setting is enabled, Box Office users will not be able to proceed to the Payment Options stage without assigning a customer record. The box to proceed will be greyed out and there will be an error pop-up. 

Force customer at box office 2.png

To proceed, click into the Assign Customer box at the top of the Cart and either search for an existing customer record, or click to add a new customer and enter their details. 

 Ticketsolve Tip

If you enable this setting, we'd recommend creating a 'dummy' customer record using general details for the times when you aren't able to assign a real customer record to an order, like when the customer doesn't want to give their details. You can give it a name like 'General Customer' and use your venue's postal address, and a general boxoffice@ or fake email address. 

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