In this article, we will explore the online show listings page, which plays a pivotal role in enhancing your ticket sales because ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience for your customers is paramount. In this article we will cover how to sort and present your online listings page. We'll also walk through how you can group certain shows together on a filtered page with a custom link.
Determining the order Shows are listed online
You can choose to list your Shows chronologically (this is the default), alphabetically, or by a manual priority that you set. If you want to list Shows chronologically, this is the default setup on your account and you do not need to do anything.
Listing Shows by priority
You may alternatively want to list Shows in a custom order as determined by you. For example, if you have a show in early September that is nearly sold out, and one show at the end of September that is selling poorly, then you may wish to give the poorly-selling show a higher priority, so it appears first on the listing page.
To change your online listings to priority:
1. Go to Settings > General Settings.
2. Find the setting called "default order by".
3. In the dropdown select priority.
4. Click Save.
5. Now, you need to set a priority number on all of your Shows.
6. Go to Manage > Shows.
7. Select a Show.
8. On the Show details view, add a number into the Priority box. The highest priority is '99' and the lowest is '1'.
9. Click Update Show.
10. Repeat steps 6 - 9 for all current Shows, and remember to add this step into your process for building new Shows.
Listing Shows alphabetically
If you would like to list Shows alphabetically on your online listings page:
1. Go to Settings > General Settings.
2. Find the setting called "default order by".
3. In the dropdown select name.
4. Click Save.
Displaying or hiding Show images
For the overall look of your Shows page you can display your Shows in cards with their images, or have no images and just display the events in a listing order.
By default your online listings page will display the Show images in cards. To remove Show images from the online listings page so it is just the Show name with no image:
1. Go to Settings > General Settings.
2. Find the setting "display show photos".
3. Tick the box to have Show images displayed, or untick to remove Show images.
4. Click Update to save.
When "display show photos" is ticked, the website will tile each Show with the photo as seen in this example:
Ticketsolve Tip
The recommended size for Show images is 600px(w) x 972px(h).
If "display show photos" is unticked, the show page will display all Shows in a listing.
Filtering your online listings by Event Category
Event Categories can be added to a Show, and then on the Show cards the Event Category will be visible and clickable.
To create an Event Category:
1. Go to Manage > Event Categories.
2. Click Add New +.
3. Give your category a name e.g. 'Family'.
4. Click Add.
To add an Event Category to a Show:
1. Go to Manage > Shows.
2. Select your Show.
3. On the Show details view, under Event category click into the dropdown and select your category.
4. Click Update Show.
How Event Categories are displayed online
Event Categories are listed on the card image for each Show:
A category can then be clicked on from this view, taking the user to a new page listing only events within that category.
For example, if we use the example above and click on 'Family', we are taken to a new page:
You can then copy the URL from the browser if you want to use it to direct customers to Shows of a specific Event Category, for example to display all Family Shows together.
The URL will look something like
Grouping specific Shows together with a custom URL
Given that a Show can only be in one Event Category, Show Tags can be used as a secondary way of grouping otherwise unconnected Shows together.
For example, an adult comedy event might be part of a 'Christmas' series of events, but so is the family pantomime and the winter festival weekend - and they are all in different Event Categories.
In this case, we might want to have a tag called 'christmas', which we can use to create a custom URL to bring all of these Shows onto one online listings page together.
Navigate to Manage > Shows and find the first show that you want to include in the custom URL.
1. In the Tags box you can now add the tag you want to use for the custom URL. If this is the first time you are creating the tag, type the tag, in this example 'christmas' into the box.
2. Press Enter on your keyboard.
3. Click Update Show to save the tag.
4. Repeat the tagging process for the other shows you want to list under the custom URL
You can then link from your external website through to a tagged group of shows using a unique URL.
To create a custom URL using a Show Tag:
1. Take your standard shows URL e.g.
2. Add on ' /?tags=xxxx ' to the end of the URL, with the Show Tag replacing the 'xxxx'.
For example, if our shows are tagged with 'christmas', the URL we would use is:
When we paste that URL into the browser, we can see that it takes the user to a custom listings page with only the Shows tagged 'christmas' displayed.
Ticketsolve Tip
Take a look at our article on creating a custom listing page for shows and products for a detailed step-by-step guide on creating custom URLs.
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