Automating the Events Revenue report to send to promoters and producers

As of 27th May 2024, Filter Tags on User Profiles are not required when automating the Events Revenue or Sales Summary by Ticket Price reports.

You can now use a single User Profile for all your Automated Report Subscriptions, including Events Revenue and Sales Summary by Ticket Price reports, as Filter Tags are no longer needed on the User Profile (unless the role level is External). Simply Bcc all other recipients by adding their email addresses into the subscription.

This means no more setting up dedicated User Profiles for Events Revenue reports going to promoters and producers - just add their email address to the "Other Recipients" field in the Auto Report Subscription setup.

Existing subscriptions will not be changed, but this new streamlined process can be used when updating or creating subscriptions moving forwards.

Select or create one User Profile

One User Profile is required for each Auto Report Subscription to send to. We'd recommend using a profile with a Box Office or organisation email address so that you can keep an eye on all the automated reports being sent out. Remember, this email address will be visible to all recipients. 

When building the individual auto report subscriptions at the next stage, you can then add the email addresses of recipients like promoters, producers and artists into the Other Recipients field so they are Bcc'd in.

1. Go to Users > Manager Users.

2. Find the User Profile you want to use and check the email address is correct, or click Add New to create a new one. If you need help creating a new profile, follow our full guide to Automated Reports.

3. Ensure that the User Role(s) is set to any level from Sales to Super but that it is *not* External. (This is because External User roles still require a Filter Tag for security purposes when logging in).

Once you have the User Profile set up, this can be used as the default User Profile for all Auto Reports you set up.

Box Office Profile.png

Add a Tag to the Show

You need to add a Tag to the Show(s) you want included in the Events Revenue report. You'll want to use one Tag per Promoter/Producer. If you have one promoter with multiple events at your venue, use the same tag on every show. The Events Revenue report they receive will then include the data for all the tagged shows.

1. Go to Manage > Shows > find the Show.

2. In the Tags box > add a Show Tag e.g. ' tslive ' and click Update to save.

Events Rev show tag.png

Build and save the Events Revenue report

1. Go to Reports > Sales Reports > Events Revenue > Generate tab.

2. Filter the report by Show Tag by click into the Show tag box and typing in the Tag you just added to the Show(s) e.g. ' tslive ' and click to select the tag.

3. Select any additional parameters such as excluding agent orders or private allocations. 

Events Rev show tag sales report.png

4. You'll want to preview the data in the report to check it is correct. Select the report format to view e.g. HTML and then click to Generate Report

5. The Events Revenue report gives a breakdown of ticket sales over the previous 14 days, including the quantity and value of booked and reserved tickets, so your report will look something like this:

6. If the report is containing the correct shows, return to the report generator page on Ticketsolve.

7. Keeping the same Show Tag filter and parameters, click the Save As button to save the report ready to be automated. 

8. You will then be shown a summary of the report that you have built in a pop-up box, including the Show Tag filter.

9. Give your report a name. It's important to name it something specific, so it is easy to identify later on e.g. ' TS Live Events Revenue'. When complete click Save.

Events Revenue report TS Live.png

Create the Auto Report Subscription

1. Remaining in Reports > Sales Reports > Events Revenue, go to the Subscriptions tab.

2. Click the Add New Subscription button to open the subscription pop up.

3. You can now create the subscription for your saved Events Revenue report to send automatically. In here you will need to fill in:

  • User - select the User Profile from earlier that you want to send the report to so in this example, 'Box Office Auto Reports'.
  • Other Recipients - This is where you can add in the email addresses of the promoter and producers  and anyone else who should receive the auto report (in addition to the main User profile). These email addresses will all be Bcc'd into the auto report email going to the User.
  • Report - this will be populated automatically as Events Revenue.
  • Saved Report - this is where you select the report you just saved so in this example, 'TS Live Events Revenue'.
  • End Date - this is where you set the date you want the auto report subscription to stop. The furthest ahead this can be is 365 days from the day you create the report.
  • Active Subscription - make sure this box is ticked.
  • Schedules - here is where you add the time frequency that you want the report to send out automatically. You can be specific here, for example 'Every Monday at 9am' or the 'End of the month at 5pm'. You can find acceptable schedule phrases to use in our guide to auto report scheduling.

4. When you have completed the pop-up box, click Save.

Events Revenue Subscription TS Live.png

Your Auto Report set up is now complete!


If the Promoter/Producer wants to log into Ticketsolve... It is not necessary for Promoters or Producers to log into your Ticketsolve account to receive any auto reports. If you do want to give them access to log in, then you should:

  • Set the User Role as External.
  • Add a Filter Tag to the User Profile so they only see data related to their events. This must follow the format ' filter:showtag ' where 'showtag' is the Tag you have added to the Show. In this example, we would add ' filter:tslive ' Tag onto the User Profile.
  • Add an additional Tag of ' security:external_minimal ' to restrict what the user sees when they login. 

For more information view our guide to User Roles

Want to know more?




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Date Votes
  • Many thanks for this update! Can this be built into the new Products functionality too? So automated external reports can be scheduled and sent to ‘Product’ providers e.g. Cafe, Bar or Shop, for automated up-to-date Product sales with customer details.

  • Hey Shane! 

    If I've understood correctly, you should be able to do this already by automating the Product Sales Details or the Product Sales Summary reports to send automatically at a frequency you want e.g. daily at 9am, and with filters set for the products you want to report on.

    If I've misunderstood please pop in a ticket to Support!


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