How to enable and edit marketing communication opt-ins

Good marketing and communications opt-in messages can increase the number of people interested in hearing from you in the future. Encouraging audiences to opt in for email, mail, SMS or third party communications during the booking journey means assuring those future communication and relationship building opportunities are plentiful!

The opt-in message appears on the Your Details page of the customer journey. Below, is an example of Lime Tree Theatre's email and mail opt-in messages. These opt-ins can all be enabled or disabled on your Ticketsolve account.

We'll walk you through how to enable opt-ins and create the message you would like your customers to see.


Opt-in for email

Enable on the Account

Go to the Settings > General Settings

1. Enter 'Display opt in email' into the Filter settings search box.

2. Select the "Display opt in email" setting.

3. Tick the box to enable.

4. Click Update.


Editing the Message

This is the message that appears alongside the opt-in box encouraging customer to opt in.

Go to Settings > Public Website Snippets > "Public website customer opt in for email form message".

1. Add text to the box.

2. Click Update.


You can also use Ticketsolve's auto email opt-in feature. Enabling this setting means that the email opt-in box will be pre-ticked when the customer record is first created online - so they will be opted in for marketing emails - automatically.

Note: This can only be set for email opt-ins, the functionality is not available for mail or other opt-in options.

Opt-in for mail

Enable on Account

Go to the Settings > General Settings

1. Enter 'Display opt in mail' into the Filter settings search box.

2. Select the "Display opt in mail" setting.

3. Tick the box to enable.

4. Click Update.


Editing the Message

Go to Settings > Public Website Snippets >"Public website customer opt in for mail form message".

1. Add text to the box.

2. Click Update.


Opt-in for SMS

Enable on Account

Go to the Settings > General Settings

1. Enter 'Display opt in sms' into the Filter settings search box.

2. Select the "Display opt in sms" setting.

3. Tick the box to enable.

4. Click Update.


Editing the Message

Go to Settings > Public Website Snippets > "Public website customer opt in for sms form message".

1. Add text to the box.

2. Click Update.


Opt-in for third party

Enable on Account

Go to the Settings > General Settings

1. Enter 'Display opt in3rd party' into the Filter settings search box.

2. Select the "Display opt in3rd party" setting.

3. Tick the box to enable.

4. Click Update.


Editing the Message

Go to Settings > Public Website Snippets > "Public website customer opt in 3rd party form message"

1. Add text to the box.

2. Click Update.



Permissions allow you to add an extra opt-in box for customers during the checkout process.

These can be used for additional consent requirements, like agreeing to health and safety terms, or giving parental consent. The permission functionality can also be used to add an extra opt-in box for GDPR purposes (read more here if you want to make sure your opt-ins are GDPR compliant), for example third party marketing when a touring company wants to offer customers the ability to sign up to their own emails.

For more information, read our step by step guide on how to set up a third-party permission.


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