In this article, we are going to look at how to tag customers through the Your Reports function. This is a quick way to mass tag a segmented group of customers to use for reporting or communications, instead of manually adding a tag into each customers account. You can apply tags to any report you have created in Your Reports, so the possibilities are endless!
Customer Tagging
Setting up the report
Creating a new report
First, you need to set up the Report, in this example we will look at all customers from Dublin and tag them.
Go to Reports > Your Reports.
Click + Add new on the right of the screen and choose Report.
1. Enter a Name for the report.
2. Select a folder where your report will be saved.
3. In Report type, select Line Item Facts.
4. Add a Description (can be useful, so you know what the report is for when looking in future).
5. Click Save.
Add Filters to your report
Once the report is setup, you will be taken to a configuration screen where you can add filters to the report. In our example, we want to segment customers by region (Dublin).
1. Click the Add New button and search for and select customer region. You can select any filter you want to use in this step. The filters in this step have main areas such as Customer / Contact details or Customer / Opt ins, Order, Sales etc., with specific filters under each main area such as customer country, customer region, or opted in for email etc. You can layer filters to create very specific segments if you wish.
2. In the dropdown, select that contains or exactly matches depending on your requirements.
3. Enter the filter you want use, In our example, we need to add 'Dublin' because this is the tag we want to add.
4. Click Save.
Tagging customers
The report is now ready with all our customers from Dublin so now you can tag them. Once you complete the steps below all customers with 'Dublin' as a region will be tagged automatically.
1. Click the Additional options (3 dots) icon in the top right corner of the page (next to Configure report).
2. Select Manage customers from the dropdown menu.
The pop-up called, Manage customers - Tags will open
1. Click on the Tagging tab.
2. Select + Add new tag.
3. Enter a name for your new Tag.
4. Scroll to the bottom and click Save.
You can also choose an existing Tag: Click the tag you want to use and select Add tag. The other options here are Change tag or Remove tag. Scroll to the bottom of the pop-up and click Update.
Now, in our example, all customers with the region 'Dublin' will automatically be tagged with the tag you created or selected in the previous steps.
Creating a Report based on Customer Tags
You can build a report with the tag you created.
1. Click Add New button.
2. Search and select customer with tag.
3. Enter the Tag you want to use in the search box.
4. Click the + icon next to the tag you want to use; the tag appear in the column on the right.
5. Click Save.
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