External ticketing link/Door Charge idea

A bit of a weird one here. We get some events that use our premises but don't use Ticketsolve and instead sell tickets themselves elsewhere or just simply have a door charge. Is there a way I can set up the event in Ticketsolve and link it to an external ticketing system or a note that says Tickets on the door? 

I was thinking if I tick the event as Sold Out and then in Show level Settings if I change "website_sold_out_message" to the ticketing link website or just "Door Charge €??" Would the link work? 

The reasons for this is to be able to prompt the Box Office staff when asked by customers what we have on as sometimes when its not on Ticketsolve they have a tendancy to forget. 

I hope this makes sense?





Date Votes
  • Hi Paul,

    While we don't particularly want to promote linking from our system to another (!) yes, this is possible.

    What you've suggested will certainly work and it is HTML friendly so you can add a hyperlink that will open in a new tab too.

    If you add this line with the website you want to point to in place of https://www.websitename.com you'll be good to go.

    TICKETS AVAILABLE <a href="https://www.websitename.com">HERE</a> 

    It will read online as TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE and the word HERE when clicked will link off to the website you add.



  • Cheers Conor! I know what you mean about promoting other ticketing systems and I completely agree on it the more control we have in house the better! If it makes you feel any better we managed to win over the selling of tickets for two separate local festivals this year. This option I'm looking for is really more for when people just have a door charge. We really only have 1-2 events during the year that use external ticketing.

    Knowing I can use it for events with a door charge is great as it means the box Office staff have no excuse now! :D




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