Allow extras on Products

I have previously discussed this with you whilst visiting Dublin earlier this year, but wanted to hear what others thought about having 'Extras' questions/options available on products.
With the roll out of the new back end and the additional possibilities that will bring, I wondered if this would be incorporated? Personally for us at AMATA, we use products for our Season Tickets and Class Passes and it would be useful to be able to collect name information/extra info on these products as it is usually not the person who attends paying for the product.
Would others find this useful?
This would be really useful - we're looking to hire rehearsal spaces through Ticketsolve, and the extras box could be a space for our staff to add in the time and date of booking, so that it serves as a confirmation email. At the moment, I can't find anywhere else to write in additional notes for the email?
This would be a benificial feature
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