Quick link back to Shows from checkout and ticket picking page

Today a customer pointed this out to me and when I went to investigate, I have to agree... this could be a really quick and easy improvement that makes the customer experience even easier.
Once a customer clicks into a show to pick tickets, they need to be savvy enough to click on Shows on the top bar to pick another show to book for. The problem with this is that the customer has not yet been to this tab and doesn't know to go there. The customer is sent directly to the specific show to pick tickets.
The natural and prompted next step from the picking page is to go to the checkout. If the customer clicks on the red arrow inviting them to return to add more to the cart, it puts them back at the picking page for the show they were just at.
It even took me a minute to figure this out... I propose a simple and prominent link which takes the customer to the shows page from the Checkout and from each show picking page.
Hi there folks,
Thanks for getting in touch with your suggestions. I will check with our Development Team whether this is possible within the system.
All the best,
I agree, I have had a look in the settings and cant see where to add the show page address for this to happen.
I've just come across this problem with a customer as well, there must be and easy fix for this surely - it seems like a bit of a no brainer...
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