
QR Codes in Emails

Hi there,

Two queries about QR codes:

  1. Can the size of the writing and numbers around the ticket QR code in the confirmation emails be made larger? Some of our FOH staff have found it hard to see when assisting customers.
  2. Is it possible for the ticket QR codes to be added to reminder emails as well? Some customers struggle to find their confirmation emails if they've booked weeks/months in advance.





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  • Official comment

    Hey Niall, Seóna, 

    Just following up on this post, sorry it's been a very slow reply - you may have both of the above answered already, but I wanted to post in here in case it's helpful for anyone else coming across this thread! 

    QR Codes in the Upcoming Event Alert: With the new MJML upgraded email templates that we are currently rolling out, the QR Codes are included by default in both the Checkout Mailer and the Upcoming Event Alert. If your account isn't yet using MJML, please drop us a Support ticket and we can get you switched over! 

    Text size in QR Codes: Thanks for this feedback on increasing the text size. We don't have anything currently planned to increase the text size by default, but will of course bear it in mind for future, especially as the rollout of the new email templates including QR Codes progresses and we get further feedback from users. If helpful, I have tested and can confirm that if the text size setting on the device is increased, the text size around the QR codes in the email also does increase. 

    I've also moved this thread into a new section of the Community area dedicated to feedback on the new MJML email templates. We're keen to be more active in gathering user feedback on new product releases, so if you have any further feedback, please do add it! :)

  • Hey Niall,

    We've only had the QR codes added to the confirmation emails this week, so we'll see over the next week how the sizing works.

    So far, though, I'd agree that it's very useful in the confirmation emails, but would be even more useful in the reminder emails.

    All the best,



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