Ticket Design Fields

Not sure about other users but we sell tickets for all sorts of things shows, trains, trams, meals, etc.... and I find the word 'Doors' in the 'Event Date & Time' ticket design field quite restrictive - there are many other terms we require e.g. open, boarding, entry etc.... I know I can manually put the required word and doors/entry time but the actual 'time' field is essential when setting up tickets in 'Progams' .....rather than changing the field and chance you can add another couple of fields - Doors Time (without the word 'Doors') - Start Time without the word 'Start' - and a date only field??
this would make the use of these fields form more universal.
Many thanks
Hi Philip,
Thanks for the suggestion. We'll certainly take it on board and keep you updated.
Are there any other users who would find this useful?
Any further development with this?
A full description of what the current fields available actually mean/show would be incredibly useful and less time consuming with experimenting too...
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