Start and End Dates

James Randell - Falmouth University
Hi All,
It would be great to to have end dates as well as start dates for things like conferences and summer schools. Specifically at AMATA in Falmouth our public facing programme consists of more one off performances and events in the autumn and spring but in the summer we focus a lot more on summer schools and conferences which last for more than one day. At the moment I am getting over this by adding the information into the 'show description' area but I think it could be clearer if it sat with the start date.
Thank you,
AMATA, Falmouth University
Hi James,
Thanks for getting in touch. Are you familiar with our "Date Description" setting? It allows you to type whatever text you want to appear for the date and time. You can add end dates (or anything else that you need, although it looks best when kept relatively brief) by going into Manage > Shows > [your show] and into the "Extras" tab. Add your text in the "Date Description" field, and return to the "Info" tab within the show to save. I have included some screenshots to illustrate.
Let us know if this helps with your particular setup and thank you for raising something which may be of interest to several of our customers!
All the best,
Hi Helen,
I didn't know that this was possible but great to be able to so this. Thank you!
Yes this is handy to know, thanks Helen, and James for asking the question.
Thanks for that - I never knew that, It looks so much neater.. *busy amending mine now
Wendy x
Great to know!
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