Age restriction prominence

Something we have recently been reviewing at the Academy of Music and Theatre Arts is our policy on age restrictions and where this is and how it is displayed across our online platforms. I wondered what other venues policies are on age restrictions alongside how this is communicated online and in print?

As far as the Ticketsolve system goes, it would be great if there was a specific age restriction input field when setting up an event and then this displayed in a prominent place across the user front end in an area that is carried throughout the purchasing process. It would also be great if there was somewhere in the user back end that was more prominent for box office staff. I currently put this in the comments/notes area but I feel this gets forgotten or missed out when the box office is busy. I currently include this info in the event description section but to ensure this is in the section before the customer has to click the 'see more' button. This can massively disrupt the flow of marketing text on shows which really do need a heavy amount of copy.

I am interested to hear what other venues do to combat any age restriction issues.



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  • Official comment

    Hi James,


    For displaying age restrictions online I would suggest using the price description field.

    This would then show when a customer is selecting tickets, and also when the tickets are in the cart.


    With regards to the box office I believe the "instructions" setting would be the best way to display any specific messages about the event.

    You can find the instructions setting at both show and event level, and when used the message will display beneath the show title in the box office listings.

    You can also use HTML in the instructions settings if you wish to make any specific messages more prominent than others.


    Hope that helps,

    Best Regards,


  • Hi James

    Good idea.. with regard to what others do I can obviously only speak for us, but we use a template for our show descriptions which includes an age restriction see below...

    We also might add an age reminder to Price description and Event Comment this way the age this is carried al the way through to the cart ....See Pic

    and lastly I would put a note in the 'Show Instructions' for Box Office staff  - as you may be aware this is html compatible so you can change color and size of the text...

    All the above sounds like a lot of work, but it is only just another step when setting up a show but  your idea of a field (just the one) is good one for thought TS.


  • Sorry David I didn't see your reply - Apologies for the duplicated answer James!



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