
User Levels: Check-in App only log-in

Hi folks,

It would be really useful to have a user level specifically for the check-in app, that doesn't give any access to the box office modules.


All the best,




Date Votes
  • Official comment

    Hey! I'm pleased to let you know that we've just rolled out a brand-new User Role specifically for the Check-In App! This role, called "Checkin" is designed for users who only need access to the Check-In App for ticket scanning - without any access to the Ticketsolve Admin.

    When assigned the "Checkin" role, users can log into the Check-In App ( but won’t be able to access the admin side ( - the Checkin role won’t be available to select Admin login page.

    Thanks again for this suggestion and being part of the Ticketsolve Community, and please do share any further feedback😀

  • Hey Seóna, 

    Thanks for the suggestion! I have shared this with the team and will post back here when I have an update :)

  • We would find this super useful for our scanner user login. As it stands this is a potential security hole into our account.


  • Hey Seóna, John,

    Just to update you both - I’m happy to let you know that this request has been approved and added to our development backlog. While we don’t have an exact timeline for when it will be available, I can see that our development team are looking at it as we speak so it shouldn't be too far away.

    I'll keep you posted here on any progress!

  • Hi Natalie, this is great news! Thank you for the update.

  • Hi Natalie,

    From initial testing, the ability to lock out checkin only logins from the admin login page is working, however it also seems to lock out the ability to manually check in customers using the /checkin/event/<eventnumber> page

    I imagine that would need more fine grained permissions to show the ticket orders for a checkin login, but it would be useful as it help our ushers deal with QR codes that don't scan properly for whatever reason.

  • Hi Alex,

    We're working on a few bugs around the 'checkin' role at the moment and hope to have them rectified asap. Sorry for any inconvenience but we'll get it sorted. 



  • Hi Scott,

    Thanks, I will definitely be interested to give the checkin role another try once there is a fix in place for the current bugs.

  • Hey Alex,

    Just to update you - we've rolled out a fix to the above bug with the Checkin login now so you should be good to go 😊

    Sorry for the inconvenience on this and please do let us know if you have any further feedback on this new addition!

  • Thanks Natalie, I've tried that out on a couple of our scanning phones and the manual checkin toggles are working!

    I've asked our ushers to use scanners with a mix of the check-in and box-office logins to get more feedback, but I'm hopeful we can convert all of the logins to the check-in style soon.

  • Fab, glad it's looking good so far. Keep us posted on how your ushers get on!

  • Hi Natalie,

    We ran half the scanners with the checkin login type for a week without issue, so I rolled out the checkin login type to the rest and everything has been working fine, so I think the manual check in bug has been completely resolved!

  • Hey Alex, thanks for updating me, that's great to hear - I'm glad it's all working for you! 😀


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