Projects - Revenue Markers

Hi All - loving the Projects feature thus far - it's really improved the way we monitor our larger ticket sales.
Here is some general feedback or things we think would be useful in terms of the way we are utilising it. 

  • If each card could be given a revenue value signifying it's potential, then each stage in Projects could total the value of all cards in stage at the top. As we use ours as a sales pipeline, seeing the value of the invoices pending, for example, or the prospective bookings, would be really beneficial.
  • It would be useful for each stage you add in Projects to have a sub-heading which gives a wider definition of that stage. This means anyone could hover over it, or see it, and get an indication of what it is about, even if they were new to the business. 
  • Due dates and next activity/task would be useful, so you can set yourself reminders to 'Call customer back to discuss', for example. Notifications of these due dates/times would also be great. 
  • A 'Days In Stage' report would be good, so you can see how long a card has sat at a particular sales stage, which would help to keep the pipeline flowing. 
  • We often tag an Order to each card so we can easily drill through. We've found that when we remove an order which is tagged to a card and try to replace it for an alternative, Projects often won't let you so we have to create a replacement card. This is problematic as our comments are on the original and need copying across. 
  • The ability to download information from a sales stage as a .csv would be great. Next year, our Projects will contain all customers who placed a group booking, and those who did not, and this might be a large chunk of data, which Marketing would benefit from in a document form.  
  • Finally, the ability to give each card a 'Close Date' or final deadline so we can see the timescales we are ultimately working to on each individual sale. 

I appreciate not all of these are actionable, but hopefully it's useful. Thanks again! 



1 comment
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  • Official comment

    Hi Aaron, 

    Thanks so much for this. It's very comprehensive and valuable feedback so thanks for taking the time to leave it. I've recorded your thoughts and as a dev team we'll see if we can action any of them, if not now, for later iterations. We're really pleased it's adding value even at this early stage. 



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