Refund email content

James Randell - Falmouth University
Not sure if this is currently possible, so posting here:
We rarely process refund orders that trigger emails (mostly internal staff accounts or test orders as refunds aren't in our policy) but when we do the lack of difference between the booking confirmation email and the refund text doesn't make it clear to customers that a refund has been added. When I do process customer refunds we regularly get emails saying they think they have been charged twice, when in fact it is the refund email.
Hey James and Niall,
Thanks for getting in touch with us about this. This is something that is possible already - basically, you can tweak the text when a cart is amended.
We'll put together a little article showing you the steps as that's easiest. Will send that over to you asap.
Aoife :)
We find the same at Pavilion. We rarely do refunds but we do issue credit to customers and they often get confused and think they are charged twice. The most common feedback we get when we explain to customers what is happening is that they don't see the minus sign beside the line item.
Hi Aoife,
That's great, thank you.
Best wishes,
We'd be interested in doing this too.
Currently we just check "skip sending email" when doing refunds & contact the customer manually, but on the occasions where someone forgets to do that it can cause some confusion.
Hi Aoife,
Just wondered whether an article was put together for this? I know things are a bit up in the air at the moment but we are taking it as an opportunity to do some tidying on our content and systems etc.
Best wishes,
I would be interested in learning more about this.
Hey everyone,
It might be best for you to drop us a line through Support about this for the moment, if you want to get it implemented now. It really depends on the html design which is different for every account, so we are thinking it's best if you get in touch with us directly and we can help you get this set up.
If you submit a ticket we can take it from there :)
Hi Aoife,
Thanks for getting back to us. I will drop a line to support when I have a moment.
Best wishes,
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