Get Country from Loqate postcode lookup?

Alex Minor - The Civic, Barnsley
Now that Country is a required field if typing card payment details into Ticketsolve, would it be possible to include Country in the data that's fetched from Loqate when using the postcode lookup functionality?
Currently selecting any result from the postcode lookup will clear the country field, even if you had something entered there previously.
The postcode lookup itself saves us a lot of time when adding new customers so not having to still fill out an extra field manually would be useful.
Hey all, wanted to pop a quick update in here on this.
For card payments through Ticketsolve, the Country field is no longer required. So as Deborah mentioned, it is possible to disable the Country field at both Box Office using the "customer required fields for boxoffice" setting as well as Online using the "customer fields for online" setting if you want to.
In addition, an exciting upcoming development is that we are now bringing the Loqate address lookup to the front end (your Ticketsolve website) as well as the Box Office! You will need a Loqate account to get this activated. But if you already have it for the Box Office, it should work automatically. You may also have to increase your package with Loqate as you will be using more credits when the address lookup is online.
With this update, Loqate will be able to pull in the Country field to the front end (your Ticketsolve website) for customers. Currently the Box Office integration will not be changed so I don't think it will pull in the Country field, but I'll keep this thread open for further feedback and developments!
We'll be announcing more info on this soon, so keep an eye out :)
Just wanted to see if there is an update on this, as it still doesn't pull in the country (to my knowledge)...
Hi James, I have disabled the country field to work around this.
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