Including the Checkin QR Code List in your Checkout Mailer

The Checkin QR Code List creates an in-email-body e-ticket for customers to quickly access their tickets without having to download a PDF.


The Checkin QR Code List sits within the body of the Checkout Mailer. Its placement can be anywhere you wish, but generally for the customer's ease of finding their tickets, it's best to sit above the order history, effective order, customer details and closure merge fields.

Each ticket will have its own QR code and information under it. Group tickets that have 'Print group ticket?' enabled will still appear as individual tickets in the Checkin QR Code List but will remain a group ticket in the downloadable PDF e-ticket.

The Checkin QR Code list is currently sorted by seat section, row and number.


Each QR Code Checkin ticket will have most of the above fields, however, the 'Seat' and 'Comment' fields will only appear if the event has allocated seating, and the seat has a comment.

Contact the Support team on or send us a ticket to request adding the Checkin QR Code List to your checkout mailer!

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