Managing Tags in Ticketsolve

In this article we will explore the Manage Tags feature in Ticketsolve, including the ability to add emojis to tags used on customer records, which will then display when the customer is added to the Cart at Box Office or is scanned in at an event using the Check-in App. This is a great way to easily highlight important customer identifiers to all staff, for example high-level donors, customers who are on your Access Register, or corporate sponsors, to help staff give a personalised and appropriate service from the moment the customer contacts the Box Office to buy a ticket, right through to when they arrive at the event and are scanned in.

Emojis on customer records.png

Within Manage Tags you can:

  • View all of the tags in your account
  • See where a tag is used (e.g. person, discount, show)
  • Add new tags
  • Add a colour and emoji to tags
  • Delete tags if they are not being used

Creating and managing Tags

Navigate to Manage > Tags. 

In this view, you will see all current Tags that exist in your account. This will include Tags you have added manually, for example on products, customer records, users, and to shows, events, ticket allocations etc., in order to set up discounts or templates. You will also see any system Tags listed that are added automatically in the back-end, for example Tags like 'browser:desktop'.

You can Filter tags by entering a search term, or view the full list. 

If you click on an existing Tag from the list, it will load up the details of the tag.

Manage Tags existing tags list.png

Adding a new Tag including colour & emoji

To add a new Tag, navigate to Manage > Tags and click Add new +. Complete the following:

  • Name - here you add the name of the new Tag, this must be lowercase and if more than one word a underscore needs to be put in between words. For example 'corporate_sponsor'.
  • Highlight colour - you can add a colour to the Tag.
  • Emoji - you can add an emoji to the Tag.
  • Description - here you can add description of the purpose of the Tag, for any other staff who might be looking at it in this section.

On the right hand side you will see a Preview of how the Tag will display.

When complete click Add Tag to save the new Tag, or to clear the information you have filled in and start again, click Reset.

Adding a new tag.png


Emojis used on Tags will display when the customer is searched and added to the Cart at Box Office - this is a great way to spark a personalised conversation with customers as you are selling tickets to them at the Box Office and ensure you give them the appropriate service.

Emojis on customer in cart at box office.png

The emojis from Tags also display when a ticket is scanned in the Check-in App. Using these emojis, your team can give the customer the best experience during their visit!

Viewing Tags and where they are used

When a Tag has been saved for the first time under Manage > Tags, a new view will appear displaying Used in. This will display where in the system the Tag is used, and how many occurrences there are. In the example below, we can see that the 'accessregister' Tag is used on 2 customers, in 1 discount, and on 3 ticket prices and ticket allocations. 

Accessregister tag.png

Deleting Tags

To delete a Tag go to Manage > Tags, and click on the Tag you want to delete. 

If under Used in you see that 'This tag isn't being used anywhere', the Delete (bin) icon will be clickable and you can delete the Tag.

Delete tag.png

If the Tag is being used somewhere in the system, the icon will be greyed out and not clickable. You can use the Used in list to help you find where the Tag is in order to remove it. You can then return to Manage > Tags and delete the Tag. 

Adding Tags to Customer Records

Tags can be added to customers either one-by-one by going into the record, or to a segment of customer en masse using Your Reports.

Adding a Tag to one customer

1. Make sure you have already created your Tag following the steps in adding a new Tag including colour & emoji.

2. Navigate to Customers > Search Customers.

3. Search for the desired customer - you can search by name, email address, postal address, customer number etc.

4. When you have found the correct customer click the 3 dots (additional options) icon and select View Customer.

Tags search customer.png

5. Staying on the Contact info tab, scroll down to the Tags box.

6. In the search box, search for the Tag you have created and click to select it.

7. Ensure that the Tag is now listed underneath the search box.

8. Click Update Customer to save.

Tags add tag to customer record.png

You can also add Tags to Customer Records at the Box Office by adding the customer to the Cart and clicking into the record to bring up the pop-up modal displaying the same Contact info tab as above.

 Ticketsolve Tip

We'd recommend keeping the Tags with emojis that you use for customers as minimal as possible so that when a customer is being viewed in Box Office or in the Check-in App, it's easy to identify the emoji(s) and that customer's needs, rather than having to look through lots of emojis and remembering what they all mean!

You'll now see the emoji from the tag displayed when a customer is searched and/or added to the Cart at Box Office, and in the Check-in App when their ticket is scanned!

Adding a Tag to multiple customers at once

1. Make sure you have already created your Tag following the steps in adding a new Tag including colour & emoji.

2. Navigate to Reports > Your Reports.

3. Create a Line Items Facts, Product Facts or Customer Facts report depending on segment you want to create.

4. Add in the desired filters to create your customer segment that you want to tag.

5. Go to the Summaries Reporting View and look at the number of unique customers in your segment - check that this number looks as you expect.

5. Click the 3 dots (additional options) icon.

6. Select Manage Customers.

7. On the Summary tab click Load Customer Statistics - this won't do anything to add a Tag, but it will display the total unique customers in the segment and a sample of the customers, so we'd recommend doing this to check your customers are correct.

Tags add via YR load stats.png

8. When happy go across to the Tagging tab.

9. In the Tag list find the correct Tag you created earlier.

10. Click the 3 dots (additional options) icon.

11. Select Add tag.

12. You'll now see the select Tag on the right side of the pop-up box.

13. Confirm this Tag is correct and then scroll down and select Update to add this Tag to the customer records.

Tags add tag via YR.png

For more detailed instructions on tagging a segment of customers, read our step-by-step article on on Customer Tagging via Your Reports.

Want to know more?

Access Register Membership, Discount and online booking set-up for customers with accessibility needs

Using Tags Within Ticketsolve

Customer Tagging via Your Reports

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