In this article, we are going to look at how Money Voucher products work in Ticketsolve.
How to set up Money Vouchers
Money Vouchers in Ticketsolve can be used as gift vouchers, including giftable digital vouchers sent directly to the recipient. Money Vouchers can also be used for creating Credit Vouchers to process at the Box Office for refunds or exchanges.
Creating a Gift Voucher
1. Go to Manage > Products.
2. Click Add New +.
Complete the following:
- Select the Product Type as Money Voucher.
- Give your Money Voucher a name e.g. '£10 Gift Voucher'.
- Active Product? and Can be sold? should be on (blue) so the product will be for sale.
- Enter the price e.g. £10.
- The Allow price override? toggle should be off for Gift Vouchers.
- If the Gift Voucher should be available as an e-voucher/print at home then Permit printed receipt? should be set to on.
- Enter the expiry rules in months and days (e.g., 12 months, 0 days). Leave blank if the voucher has no expiry.
3. Click Add to save and create the Gift Voucher.
Additional Gift Voucher options
Once you've created your basic Gift Voucher product, there are some additional options you can set:
- Comment: Text entered here acts as a description and will display with the product listing on your Ticketsolve website and at the Box Office.
- Apply Tax?: Determines if you want tax to be calculated on sales of this voucher.
- Priority: Enter a number (99 being the highest and 0 lowest) to set the order in which the Voucher will appear online and in the Box Office. If you have a number of price points you can order the Vouchers to appear in a specific order.
- Disable online sales?: Disabling means the Gift Voucher will be available to sell at the Box Office, but not online.
- Assign to program?: Select a program from the dropdown if required.
- Postable?: Set as required and enter a Weight if you want the Gift Voucher to be postable.
- Tags: Add a tag (e.g., 'giftvoucher') if you want to run reports filtering by product tag.
- Image: Upload an image for the product to be displayed online and at the Box Office.
Creating a Credit Voucher
Creating a Credit Voucher is very similar to creating a Gift Voucher, but there are a few important changes - you need to make sure the price is set to £0, the price can be overridden, and online sales are disabled.
1. Go to Manage > Products and click Add New +.
2. Select the Product Type as Money Voucher.
3. Give your Money Voucher a name e.g. 'Credit Voucher'.
4. Active Product? and Can be sold? should be on (blue) so the product will be for sale.
5. Set the price as £0.
6. The Allow price override? toggle should be on for Credit Vouchers. Setting the default voucher price as £0 but allowing price override means you can select the correct custom amount each time you process a Credit Voucher.
7. If the Credit Voucher should be available as an e-voucher/print at home then Permit printed receipt? should be set to on.
8. Disable online sales? should be on for Credit Vouchers so they're only available at the Box Office.
9. Enter the expiry rules in months and days (e.g., 12 months, 0 days). Leave blank if the voucher has no expiry.
10. Click Add to save and create the Credit Voucher.
Additional Voucher settings
Display QR code
The "display qr code" setting should be enabled if you want a scannable QR code to pull through into the customer's confirmation email for the voucher product.
Email note
You can use the "email note" setting to add any text you want to be included in the customer's confirmation email if they purchase this product.
Fulfilment options
You'll want to check that the Voucher product has at least one fulfilment method enabled (e.g. e-ticket). How you do this will be determined by how you have fulfilment products set up in your Ticketsolve Account.
1. Go to Settings > General Settings > find the setting called "Allow print at home".
- If this is set to Always, then your Gift Voucher will always be deliverable as an e-voucher.
- If this is set to Based on fulfilment product, then follow the below:
2. Go to Manage > Products and to your voucher.
3. Go to the Settings tab of the voucher.
4. Go to the setting called "fulfilment options".
5. Select the desired fulfilment option(s) so they are ticked.
6. If you want it to be available as an E-voucher/print at home, then select the correct fulfilment method here, and remember that the Permit printed receipt? toggle also needs to be set to on.
7. Click Update to save.
Template designs
There are two settings here that allow you to add custom template designs for e-vouchers and Box Office printed vouchers:
- "template data print at home product": This is the e-voucher/print-at-home design that is downloadable from the customer's confirmation email. For help with this, we've got a full walkthrough guide on designing e-vouchers in our Creating a Digital Gift Voucher Product article.
- "template data product": This is the design that prints if you select to print the voucher product at the Box Office (i.e. on your ticket stock from your ticket printer).
Using Vouchers as a payment method
When a Voucher is sold, a unique code is created for that voucher and associated with the customer who made the purchase. The customer name or the unique voucher code is needed to use a Voucher as a payment method (online or at the Box Office) and can be fully or partially redeemed.
In a Box Office sale:
1. Once items are in the Cart, click Payment Options button.
2. Now, you will be on the Confirm Order screen, where you will see several payment options.
3. Select Voucher as the payment method.
4. In the pop-up, enter the voucher code or the purchaser's name and select.
5. Enter a payment amount. Any unused amount will remain on the Voucher and can be used in the future (before any set expiry dates).
6. Click Pay Now and continue with the sale.
When a customer redeems a gift voucher (and they are not the purchaser), they will need the unique code or the purchaser's name in order to use the Voucher Product.
In a sale on your Ticketsolve website, the voucher code needs to be entered at payment stage:
1. Before entering any card details, the customer should select the Do you have a voucher code? box.
2. In the pop-up, enter the voucher code, and the full available amount will be redeemed from the voucher.
3. If there is an additional payment required, then the card details can be entered as normal.
Finding & updating Vouchers
To access the Voucher tab go to Box Office > Vouchers.
The page will then display all vouchers created on your account. By default, the list is ordered by 'last created' voucher and displays 20 results but this can be changed using the dropdown on the right side of the page.
To find a specific voucher:
1. Enter the customer name or voucher code into the search bar and click Search.
2. You will then see a row per voucher. Here you can see:
- Voucher code
- Customer name
- The Gift label if the voucher has been gifted to someone else
- Total amount on the voucher when it was sold
- Amount redeemed on voucher
- Amount remaining on the voucher
- Schedule date if the voucher is due to be sent to a recipient on a future date
- Expiry date
3. If you need more detail, click on the 3 dots at the end of the row to View voucher.
Once you have clicked into an individual voucher, you can see details on:
- Customer details of the purchaser
- Recipient details if the voucher has been gifted
- Itemised record of the order(s) the voucher has been redeemed on
- Total amount on the voucher when it was sold
- Amount redeemed on voucher
- Amount remaining on the voucher
- Expiry date (if there is one)
You can also update the voucher expiry date or reprint the voucher (this will print the "template data product" template via your Box Office printer).
Updating a voucher expiry
1. Go into Box Office > Vouchers > and find the desired voucher.
2. Go into the Voucher details tab.
3. Click the Update expiry date button.
4. Select the new expiry date from the calendar.
5. Click Update to save.
We can also click Update expiry date to set or change the expiry date of the voucher to further in the future or in the past, and click Reprint voucher to print the voucher at Box Office.
Want to Know More?
- Creating a Digital Gift Voucher Product
- Gifting of Digital Gift Vouchers
- Merging Gift and Credit Vouchers
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