How To Apply A Discount at Box Office

In this article, we'll look at how to apply Discounts to a single ticket / show or the entire Cart. Discounts can be used in a variety of situations, such as group discounts, for marketing or customer loyalty; the process is made easy within Ticketsolve. 

Applying the Discount

In the Box Office, as you would with any order, click View Tickets on the Event you need and add the Tickets needed into the cart. 

In the Cart, click manage item. 


Applying a Discount to the entire Cart

1. Select Discount Cart from the menu bar in the pop-up. All the items in the Cart will now be selected (ticked blue box). 

2. In the Add global discount to cart section, enter the percentage amount you want to discount. Percentage is the only way to discount an entire Cart. To discount by a specific amount, you will have to discount by item.

3. Apply discount to booking charges is selected by default (ticked blue). If you do not want the booking charges to be discounted, untick the box.

4. Click Apply Discount and the discount will appear beside the line items.

5. Select Update Cart.


Once you select Update Cart you will be able to see the discount has been applied. Click the green arrows to expand the item to individual ticket level.


 Ticketsolve Tip

If you do not want to apply the discount, click 'cancel' and you will be returned to the 'Box Office' view and can proceed with the order without applying the discount.

Applying a Discount to a select item

As above, in the Box Office, add the Tickets needed into the cart. 

In the Cart, click manage item. 

1. Tick the item (turns blue) you want to apply the discount to, click the green arrows to expand to select individual tickets.

2. Select Discount Item.

3. Use the dropdown box to choose to discount By percentage or By fixed amount.

4. Enter the percentage or fixed amount.

5. Apply discount to booking charges is selected by default (ticked blue). If you do not want the booking charges to be discounted, untick the box.

6. Click Apply Discount and the discount will appear beside the line items.

7. Select Update Cart.


Once the discount has been applied you will be able to view it in the Cart under each ticket item.



Removing a Discount

To remove a discount select manage Item.

1. Tick the item (turns blue) you want to remove the discount from and click the green arrows to expand each item.

2. Click on Remove discounts.

3. Click Update Cart.



Want to know more?

Ticketsolve Academy on Discounts

Article on Discount Examples

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