Upgrade to Phone fields - new Country Calling Code prefix

Ahead of some new and exciting features we'll be releasing over the coming months 👀 we've updated the way phone fields will appear on customer records both at the Box Office and on your Ticketsolve website.

1.5.24 - This update will be live on all accounts automatically in the next days. There is no action you need to take.

This update brings in a new Country Calling Code prefix dropdown option for phone numbers added at the Box Office and when a customer is purchasing on your Ticketsolve website. 

As part of this upgrade, all existing customer phone numbers in your Ticketsolve customer database will also be re-formatted and given the appropriate country code prefix. This means that all numbers will be uniform and will make it easier when searching by phone number at the Box Office.

How the Country Calling Code selector displays at Box Office


Phone Prefix - Box Office before.png

New with Country Calling Code prefix

Phone Prefix - Box Office new.png

How the Country Calling Code selector displays Online


Phone Prefix - oNline before.png

New with Country Calling Code prefix

Phone Prefix - Online after.png

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