Gift Aid is a tax incentive scheme enabling registered charities to reclaim tax on donations made by a UK taxpayer. Organisations can claim back 25p, for every £1 donated - effectively increasing the amount of the donation by 25%. To claim this back you will need to enable Gift Aid opt-in on your Donation Products, and then fill in your Gift Aid declaration, which will require information from Ticketsolve.
Adding Gift Aid opt-in to Donations
To enable a Gift Aid opt-in on Donation products you need to add a "giftaid" tag to the product:
1. Go to Manage > Products.
2. Select your Donation Product.
3. In the Tags box add the tag 'giftaid'.
4. Click Update to save.
Please note that as of November 2024, the 'customer declaration' and 'declaration tag' fields within the product setup no longer need to be populated to enable Gift Aid or display a declaration.
Adding a Gift Aid declaration
We've pre-populated a Gift Aid declaration already, but you can amend this if you want to. The same snippet is used for the declaration that appears at the Box Office and online checkout process.
1. Go to Settings > Public Website Snippets.
2. Find the snippet called "Public website gift aid intro html".
3. You can now view and amend the Gift Aid declaration that's in here - this will display both at the Box Office and online. It's possible to use HTML to format the text with headers and line breaks in here.
4. Click Update to save.
Gift Aid at the Box Office
At the Ticketsolve Box Office, the Gift Aid prompt will appear once an eligible Donation and Customer Record have been added to the cart. There are two scenarios here:
- The customer already has selected a Gift Aid Preference of All Donations or Today & Onwards that's saved to their Customer Record. In this scenario, you can complete the transaction without needing to select a Gift Aid Preference (unless the customer wants to change it).
- The customer does not have a Gift Aid preference selected on their Customer Record or it was previously set to Today only (this donation only). In this scenario, you won't be able to proceed with the sale until a Gift Aid preference is selected. This will be indicated with a red ! on the 3 dots icon. Click this and select Gift Aid Preferences to open the Gift Aid Preferences box and make a selection (see image below).
Changing Gift Aid Preference
Gift Aid rules state that customers can change their saved Gift Aid Preference at any time. We've added functionality within the Box Office so that when a customer gets in touch, you can easily update their preferences. To amend a customer's Gift Aid Preference:
1. Open the Customer Record (for example by loading the customer into the Cart at Box Office or by going to Search Customers).
2. On the Contact info tab scroll down to the section called Customer extras.
3. Here you will see a dropdown called Gift Aid Preference.
4. Click on the dropdown and select their desired preference e.g. "All Donations".
5. Click Update Customer to save.
Gift Aid on the online checkout
On your Ticketsolve website, the Gift Aid opt-in displays as a stage in the online checkout journey after a customer has selected to donate.
- The customer will need to actively select whether or not to opt into Gift Aid before they can click the Continue button to complete their purchase.
- Because Gift Aid comes at no extra cost to the donor, we've added a 'Suggested' label to the most flexible option to subtly highlight it and maximise potential revenue.
- The Gift Aid Preferences step appears after the Login step so that if a customer logs in to their online account and selects 'All' or 'Onwards' their preference will be saved and they won't be asked it next time.
Customising the online Gift Aid Preferences page
You can also edit the text that displays on the Gift Aid Preferences page of the online checkout:
1. Go to Settings > Public Website Snippets.
2. To edit the title (A), select the "Public website gift aid heading" snippet.
3. To edit the intro text (B), select the "Public website gift aid intro html" snippet. (See the above step - this is the Gift Aid declaration that appears at the Box Office and online).
4. To edit the footer text (C), select the "Public website gift aid footer html" snippet. This will display in a smaller font size below the preferences.
Reporting on Gift Aid opt-ins
Our Donations and Gift Aid Preference List (New) report allows you to report on the customer's Gift Aid preference and the date they opted in, as well as the additional information required for Gift Aid such as postal address, donation date and donation amount.
1. Go to Reports > Sales Report.
2. Find the report called Donations and Gift Aid Preference List (New).
3. Select the report format e.g. HTML.
4. Select the date range that you want to report on (the date range is looking at the date the donation was made).
5. Select to include Donations and/or Benefit Products in the report.
6. Click Generate Report.
In the report, you will see a Gift Aid Preference column. This will have one of the following options based on the customer's preference:
- All - The customer has opted into Gift Aid for all donations in this order, all future donations on this site and past donations made in the previous 4 years on this site (from the "Gift Aid From" date).
- Onwards - The customer has opted into Gift Aid for donations in this order and all future donations on this site (from the "Gift Aid From" date).
- Cart - The customer has opted into Gift Aid for donations in this current order only.
- Blank - These are donations with Gift Aid placed before your account was upgraded. Use the old Donations Gift Aid List to report on these.
Reporting on Gift Aid Because of the change in how Gift Aid is recorded since October 2024, you will need to temporarily use both the old and new Gift Aid reports to gather the required data to claim Gift Aid.
- Donations Gift Aid List - Use this report for all donations with Gift Aid made BEFORE your account was upgraded.
- Donations and Gift Aid Preference List (New) - Use this report for all donations with Gift Aid made ON AND AFTER the date your account was upgraded.
You will have received an email letting you know the date that your account was due to be upgraded. If you're not sure of the date, just contact our Support team who can confirm this for you.
Don't forget, you can also schedule the Gift Aid report to land in your inbox automatically - check out our guide on creating and sending automated reports for more info.
Want to know more?
- For more information on Gift Aid, take a look at the HMRC website
- Setting Up and Prompting Donations in Ticketsolve
- Upgraded online Donation Prompt & enhanced Gift Aid capture
- How to sell a Donation at Box Office
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