Creating a Digital Gift Voucher Product

This article explores how to set up Gift Voucher products, which offer numerous benefits. They boost cash flow with upfront revenue, attract new customers, and enhance loyalty with flexible, personalised gifting options - an effective way to promote your venue.

Create a Money Voucher

1. Go to Manage > Products.

2. Click Add New +

3. Select the Product Type as Money Voucher.

4. Give it a name e.g. '£20 Digital Gift Voucher'.

5. Enter the voucher price e.g. £20.


Each voucher price point needs to be set up as a separate product, so when naming, consider adding the value of the voucher (e.g., £50 Voucher, £75 Voucher, £100 Voucher, etc.).

6. Set the Permit printed receipt? toggle to on (blue)

7. Enter the Expiry rules in months and days (e.g., 12 months, 0 days). Leave blank if the Voucher should have no expiry.

8. Set a Priority (optional): Enter a number (99 being the highest and 0 lowest) to set the order in which the Voucher will appear online and in the Box Office. If you have a number of price points, you can order the Vouchers to appear in a specific order.

9. Click Add to save. (Note your voucher is not yet for sale, as first we need to give it a design!).

create voucher product.png

Design your Digital Gift Voucher

Your Voucher design is in two parts - the background that you design as an image file, and then any information from the system that pulls through on top of that background image.

As a minimum, you'll need to leave a space in your Voucher design amount and expiry date to pull through from the system onto the PDF voucher template.

Create your Voucher background image

  • If you would like to replicate a voucher, like the above, you will need to create the background image. You can use tools like Adobe Photoshop, Inkscape, or a favourite of ours that is free and easy to use - Canva.
  • Remember to create your design as an A4 size image of 590 x 842 px (unless you are going to change the template size). 
  • When you upload the image to Ticketsolve it needs to be 100KB or less and a JPG file. You may need to cut your image into two halves and /or use an image compressor to get the file to 100KB or below. You can use whatever program you want to compress the image, but we use the online site

If you want a hand getting started, here are some simple templates you can use and edit in Canva:

Help Centre graphics.png

You can also check out some Gift Voucher design examples from the Ticketsolve Community below.

Upload your Voucher background image

Once the Voucher image you have designed is compressed you can now upload it to your Ticketsolve account. 

1. Go to Settings > Subdomains.

2. Click on your Subdomain and go to the Uploads tab.

3. You can drag your image in the Drop files(s) here box on the right or click here to use the uploader.

4. When the image is uploaded, click on the 3 dot menu beside it and click the Copy image URL option. We need to do this because we need to paste this image URL into our Voucher product template in a minute.

upload image.png

Delete the elements you don't need

You don't need to pull in a huge amount of information from Ticketsolve about the order or customer, date & time etc, so you can remove a lot of the fields from the default template that are there.

1. Navigate to Manage > Products and find your Gift Voucher product. 

2. In the Settings tab of your Voucher product, click on the "template data print at home product" setting.

3. You can now either delete the elements manually from the Designer tab or go into the source code:

  • To remove elements manually, click on the field that needs to be removed so that it is outlined in red and click the Delete element button. Repeat this for all the elements you don't want, both text and images.

delete elements from template.png

  • Or, you can go into the Source tab and delete the chunks of code that you don't need all at once, e.g.

delete source code.png

4. Click Update to save.

Add your image to the Gift Voucher template

1. In the Designer tab, use the Drag a new image icon to pull a new box onto your template.

2. Make sure the new box on your template is outlined in red - if not, just click the image field to edit it, and in the Value box on the right-hand side, paste in the image URL that you have just copied.

3. Your image will now be in the new image box, but it'll need adjusting. There are Height and Width fields that relate to the height and width of the image box. This will need to be adjusted to get your uploaded image box to the correct size for your image e.g. height 840, width 588.

4. You can now use the cursor, keyboard arrows and the X and Y to move the image box on the template so it is in the correct position. 

5. When complete, click Update.

add image.png

Add the Voucher value & expiry date

1. Click and hold on the pencil icon and drag a new red text box onto the template, or edit an existing text box if you already have one there.

2. Use the cursor, keyboard arrows and the X and Y fields to position the box where you would like it.

3. To add a merge field click on Values and select the field from the dropdown. 

The most merge important field to add is:

  • {{event_comment}} - this is how the unique voucher redemption code and expiry date (or no expiry date) pull onto the voucher when it is downloaded from the Checkout Mailer.

4. Once you've added your merge field, you can format the text style and size.

5. You can also adjust the text box size by clicking and dragging the box or using the Height and Width fields.

6. Lastly, you can position the text using the Vertical and Horizontal dropdowns.

Ensure the text box is large enough to fit all content, especially {{event_comment}}, which includes the redemption code and expiry date.

merge field and text.png

7. You can repeat the above steps to add any additional merge fields and images onto the template.

Some additional merge fields you might want to add are:

  • {{price}} - this pulls through the total price of the Voucher product.
  • {{main_line_3}} - this pulls through the amount remaining on the voucher.
  • {{gifted_recipient_name}} - this pulls through the (recipient) name that is input into the gifting box if your voucher is purchased as a gift.

8. When you're done, make sure to click Update to save.

Preview the design

To check how your design looks, click the eye icon, and a draft PDF will load:

eye icon.png

pdf draft.png

Make the Voucher available for Print at Home/E-ticket

Fulfilment settings

You'll need to check how fulfilment is set up in your Ticketsolve account and enable Print at Home/E-ticket on your Digital Gift Voucher product if required. 

1. Go to Settings > General Settings > find the setting called "Allow print at home".

2. If this is set to Always, you do not need to do anything else and can move on to the next step. If this is set to Based on fulfilment product, then follow the below:

3. Go to Manage>Products and to your voucher.

4. Go to the Settings tab of the voucher.

5. Go to the setting called "fulfilment options".

6. Select your Print at Home/E-ticket fulfilment option so it is ticked.

7. Click Update to save.

fulfilment option 1.png

Voucher settings

1. Navigate to the Product details tab of the Gift Voucher product.

2. Make sure the box beside Permit printed receipt? is set to On (blue).

3. Click Update.

permit printed reciept.png

Check your Printing Policy is enabled for Products

You will also need to check that the printing Policy is set so that the Product is ticked for Box Office, Phone and Online orders. To do this:

1. Go to Settings > General Settings and find the "printing policy" setting.

2. Go to Product and tick the boxes under the Box Office, Phone, and Online columns.

3. Click Update to save.

printing policy.png

Enable the Gift Voucher for sale

To put your Voucher product live and for sale:

1. Set Active product? to On

2. Set Can be sold? to On

3. Click Update to save.

active and for sale.png

Your Digital Gift Voucher is now live and ready for sale! 

Digital Gift Voucher design examples





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