In this article, we are going to look at setting up a group discount. Automatic group discounts which apply when a customer adds more than a specific number of tickets for an event to the cart are a great way of encouraging group bookings and increasing your total revenue.
Setting up the discount
In this example, we are going to set up a discount which will take 10% off the ticket price when 10 or more tickets are added to the cart. First, we need to create a tag for this discount so we can pull in all the shows we want it to apply to.
Add a tag to your show
You will need to add a unique tag to identify what shows are part of your offer.
We are using 'groupdiscount' as the tag for this example.
1. Go to Manage > Show.
2. Select the show related to this offer.
3. On the Show Details page type your tag, in this case 'groupdiscount', into the tags box.
4. Click Update Show.
Create your discount
Now let's look at creating the discount.
First head to Manage > Discounts and click the Add New+ button to add new discount.
1. Enter your discount name.
2. Give the discount a description (optional).
3. Ensure the discount is set to Active using the toggle bar On (blue).
4. Select the Start date for the discount.
5. Select the End date. You can also leave the date range blank to stop it from expiring.
6. Enter a priority number (optional).
- If you have multiple discounts available, Discounts are applied in priority order in descending numeric order, with 99 being the highest. If more than one discount is applicable to the cart, the discount with the highest priority number will be applied. A line item in the cart can only have one discount at a time.
7. IMPORTANT - If you use subdomain tags make sure to tag it with the relevant subdomain otherwise the discount will not work. This is required for both Box Office and Online. Do not add your discount tag here.
8. Click the Save New button.
Editing the Rules Tab
Now we need to add the rules associated with this discount by clicking on the Rules tab of the Discount.
We are going to set a rule that when a customer buys at least 10 tickets for any show with the tag 'groupdiscount', at any price, they will get 10% off each ticket.
In the When customer... section:
1. Click +Add New.
2. Select buy at least from drop down box
3. Enter the tickets the user/customer has to buy in the numeric box. (in this example we'll enter 10)
4. This controls how many tickets they need to buy to get the discount.
5. Change the next drop down to Tickets For.
6. Change the next drop down to shows with tag/event with tag.
7. Select the discount tag you added to your show, e.g. 'groupdiscount'.
8. Select at any price from the Define pricing drop down box.
9. Other options are available and require additional tagging/selection such as only prices with tag 'Full price' or 'Adult'.
In the Customer Gets... section:
1. Click +Add New.
2. Select All from drop down box.
3. Click on Tickets for from the selection.
4. Change the next drop down to shows with tag/event with tag.
5. Select the tag you added to the shows/events.
6. Select at any price from the Define pricing drop down box. (Other options are available and require additional tagging/selection).
7. Select with percent off from the Define discount amount as required.
8. Set the percentage off to 10% (enter your required discount rate).
9. Choose the number of times the discount can be used in the Define Discount Limit drop down with show group limit. This is important because it restricts the discount to bookings with 10 or more tickets for the same event, as opposed to booking 10 or more tickets spread across a range of events.
That's it - you're done!
Ticketsolve Tip
1. Now that your shows are tagged with "group", your box office staff can search using "group" as a keyword in the box office, and instantly see all upcoming events with a group discount available.
2. If you wanted to send out an email campaign to previous group bookers calling out shows which have a group discount available, you could include a link to all shows with the "group" tag for online booking, e.g. for my example the url would be:
You will need to replace "test003" with your account name, e.g. theatreroyal, and replace the tag with your tag (unless you also used "group" as your tag.
Want to know more?
Ticketsolve Academy on Discounts
How to create custom listings for shows and products using tags
Great thanks for this, all set up and sorted
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