Setting Up and Prompting Donations in Ticketsolve

Adding donation prompts to your online checkout is a powerful way to encourage support from your customers. In Ticketsolve, you can easily create donation products, customise donation options, and prompt donations during the ticket purchase journey. Whether you’re looking to offer set donation amounts, provide customisable contributions, or prompt specific shows, Ticketsolve offers the flexibility you need to drive meaningful support for your organisation.

This guide will walk you through:

  • Creating a donation product in the system
  • Customising donation amounts and enabling Gift Aid (for UK users)
  • Adding prompts during the online checkout
  • Customisation options

Creating a Donation product

1. Go to Manage > Products.

2. Click Add New +.

3. You'll need to first complete the details for your Donation:

  • Product type - select Donation product.
  • Name - the name of the donation e.g., 'Support Us' or 'Make a Donation'.
  • Comment - this text is displayed online and gives extra information about the donation.
  • Active product? and Can be sold? - enable these when you're ready to make the Donation product live.

Set up 1.png

4. Now you'll need to set the Donation value. You can have one set donation amount, multiple donation options, and allow custom amounts.:

  • Price - if you're only giving one donation amount, enter this here e.g. '2'. If you're offering multiple donation options, set this as the lowest amount.
  • Allow price override? - enable this if you want to allow custom donation amounts to be added.
  • Donation prices - you can add multiple suggested donation amounts. Amounts should be separated by commas, e.g., '2', '5', '10'. The order in which the amounts are added is the priority order they will display online, so if you want the default donation amount to be £2, enter '2' as the first option here.

 Ticketsolve Tip

Research has shown that suggesting set donation amounts leads to an increase in overall donations, as well as an increase in donation amounts versus asking people to add a donation amount themselves.

Set up 2.png

5. Next, you'll need to add a couple of Tags.

  • Add the 'prompt' tag so that your Donation is prompted during online checkout (more on this below).
  • Add a tag so you can filter sales reports for this product e.g. 'donation'.

6. If you're in the UK and want to offer Gift Aid on this Donation, also add the 'giftaid' tag to the product to inject the Gift Aid option into the checkout online and at the Box Office. For more info read Setting Up Gift Aid in Ticketsolve (UK Only): A Step-by-Step Guide.

Set up 3.png

7. Add an image for your Donation to help engage and encourage customers to donate.

8. When complete, click Add.

Your Donation product is now set up and available online and at the Box Office!

Prompting a Donation online

You can prompt your Donation during the online checkout journey, making it easy for customers to donate whilst buying tickets.

1. Go to (Manage > Products).

2. In the Tags box add the tag 'prompt' if it's not there already.

3. Click Save

The donation product will now be prompted during the checkout process for all events:

Donation prompt online.png

Prompting a Donation on specific shows only

1. Go to the Show(s) details page of the shows you want the Donation product to be prompted for (Manage > Shows). 

2. In the Tags box add a unique tag e.g. 'macbeth'. 

3. Repeat this step for all shows that you want the donation to be prompted on. 

4. Click Save

5. Go to the Donation Product details page you need (Manage > Products).

6. In the Tags box add the tag 'prompt' if it's not there already.

7. In the same Tags box also add a filter tag. The begins with 'prompt_filter:' and is then followed by the tag you have added to the show, so 'prompt_filter:showtag'. In the example above, the tag would be 'prompt_filter:macbeth'. 

8. Click Save

The Donation product will now be prompted during the checkout process for only the shows with the selected tag. 

Prompt filter tag.png


If you have multiple subdomains and only want to prompt the Donation product on a specific Subdomain you will need to add the following Tags to the Donation product:

  • 'prompt'
  • 'subdomaintag' (the Tag used on the Subdomain found in Settings > Subdomain > Subdomain details E.g. 'mysubdomain1')
  • 'subdomain:subdomaintag' (replacing 'subdomaintag' with the Subdomain Tag as above, e.g. 'subdomain:mysubdomain1'

Removing the Donation Prompt for specific shows

1. Go to the Show(s) details page of the show or product you want to stop the Donation product prompting for.

2. In the Tags box add the tag 'no_prompt_donations'

3. Click Save

This tag will exclude those shows and products, but prompt the Donation with all other shows and products.

Removing the Donation product from the general listings Donation page

If you want to have a Donation product prompted during the checkout process, but do not want it listed on your Donations page (e.g. this is possible.

1. Go to the Donation Product details page you need.

2. In the Tags box add the tag 'skip_listing'. 

3. Click Save

Customising the Donation Prompt page

You can edit the text that displays on the online donation prompt page:

1. Go to Settings > Public Website Snippets.

2. To edit the text, select the "Public website cart donations agreement html" snippet. Add any text in the text box that you wish to display on the online donation prompt page. You can use HTML to format the text such as bold.

Donation prompt snippet.png

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