Whether your organisation has one venue or multiple venues, you can manage all your venues from your Ticketsolve account. Before you can create a show or event, you need to create and set-up a Venue in Ticketsolve
This article we take you through how to create a Venue in Ticketsolve and give you a summary of page layouts, the 3 step process of creating an Unreserved venue, as well as explain Venue layouts and Ticket zones, and how to Block / Unblock seats on an allocated seating plan.
Search Venues
Go to Manage > Venues
In the column on the left of the screen, you will see a list of all existing Venues for your account.
1. To search for an active venue, enter the venue 'name" in the search bar.
2. Click the eye icon to view inactive venues (in grey).
3. To activate an inactive Venue, click the Venue name and turn the Active program? toggle to on (blue).
Create a new Venue
In the example below, we will create a 500 capacity unreserved seated venue. To begin,
1. Click on the Add New + button in the top left of the screen. You can also click the the centre of the screen: (link: click here to create a new one).
2. Add a Name for your venue.
The Venue name you enter here will display to customers. Do not add layout details to the name.
3. Set the Active venue? toggle to on (blue).
4. Fill in the fields and additional details as needed (this information is displayed to customers so more detail is helpful).
5. Click the Add Venue button to save.
Adding Venue layouts
Once the Venue is created, a Venue layout section will appear in the column on the left side of the screen. Newly created venues, will show 'No venue layouts found' in the left column. Clicking the eye icon will display inactive or active Venue layouts.
Each Venue can have multiple Venue layouts, such as Reserved, Seated, Unreserved, Cabaret etc., which means you can have one Venue, but have different Venue layouts that can be used for different events. To set-up a Venue layout:
Click the Add New + button in the left column. Then fill in the fields:
1. Give your layout a name.
2. Set the Active venue layout? toggle to on (blue).
3. Choose the Venue layout color (optional, but helpful if you have several layouts for your venue).
4. Click the Add Venue Layout button.
Adding Ticket zones
Next we need to create Ticket zones for the Venue layout. Depending on what you need, you can add allocated (reserved) or unallocated (unreserved) zones or a mixture of both.
Ticketsolve Tip
If you have multiple areas in your venue such as Stalls, Circle Balcony, Upper Circle, etc. you can use the steps below to create Ticket zones for each area in your venue.
Unallocated seating and general admission events
To begin, click Add New + in the left column to create a new Ticket zone.
1. Give your Ticket zone a name. If you only have one Ticket zone, you can give it the same name as the Ticket layout. If you have multiple Ticket zones, you can define each zone as you require, for example, 'Auditorium', 'Balcony', 'Stalls', etc.
2. Set the Active ticket zone? toggle to on (blue).
3. Add Priority number especially if you have multiple ticket zones (99 is the highest - lists first to 1 - lists lasts).
4. Is this zone seated? toggle should be off (grey) for unreserved events.
5. In the Default size field add in the max capacity for this zone. This can be modified later at Event level. In our example, we will enter 500.
6. Choose your Ticket zone color (optional, but useful if you have multiple Ticket zones).
7. Click the Add Ticket Zone button to save.
Allocated seating
Ticketsolve uses interactive seating plans for allocated seat selection for both the Box Office and online for customers. To set-up allocated seating for new Venue layouts and Ticket zones, please contact our Support team with a relevant background image of the seating plan you would like to use, as well as additional information on how the seating plan should appear along with other Ticket zone details. The Ticketsolve team will then set up your seating plan for you.
Seat editor tab
Once the Ticketsolve team sets up your your interactive seating map in Ticket zones with allocated or reserved seating, you will see a tab called Seat editor, which manages the seat map for the Ticket zone.
We recommend contacting Ticketsolve Support before editing Seat maps. While you can manage and edit the seat map yourself, we highly recommend contacting Ticketsolve Support to make the necessary changes for you, so that nothing inadvertently breaks on the seating plan, when changes are made.
Blocking and Unblocking seats
Within the Seat editor tab, you can block seats at the Venue level. For example, blocking seats at the Venue level can be useful for permanent sound desks or unavailable / usher seats and would apply to all Events.
For shows already on sale please contact the Ticketsolve Support team to make changes to seating plans for shows already on sale.
To block or unblock seats on newly created Venue layouts and Ticket zones:
1. Click into the Seat Editor tab of your reserved / seated / allocated Ticket zone.
2. Use your mouse to lasso the seats you need to block. To select multiple section, hold the shift button and lasso the next seats you want to select.
3. Click on the Block icon (circle with a slash through it).
4. Click the Update Seat Map button when you are finished.
Image map editor tab
Within a Ticket zone, you will also see the Image map editor tab, where you can upload images of the Ticket zones to give customers a rich view of your venue seating options. Below are two examples of interactive seating plans we have helped create for customers. Each of the Ticket zones in the seating map are clickable and once selected, take customers to a booking page. Contact Ticketsolve support if you would like to create dynamic, interactive seating plans like the below examples.
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