Resetting a customer's password

From time to time customers may get in touch when they cannot login online. Usually, this is because:

  • Forgotten password
  • Reset password email is going into email junk folder
  • Reset password link has expired
  • Email address is incorrect in the customer account

Before resetting passwords, it is a good idea to check a few things with the customer. 

1. Do they have a password account? Password options are only available where a customer has an account (called membership on Ticketsolve). 

2. Is the email on their account correct?  Go to Manage > Customers > Search Customers and enter the customer's name and check that the Contact info contains the correct email address. If the address was incorrect, you will need to reset the password on the account. 

3. Have they attempted to reset their password online already and cannot find the reset email? In this case, ask the customer to check their email spam or junk folder to double check the email is not there. 

4. Do they want to set up an account (membership)? You can use the same steps below to help a customer set up their account (membership) the first time. 

If the customer needs further assistance you can help reset their password via email or manually do it for them.

Send reset password email to customers 

To resend a reset password email to a customer:

Go to Customers > Search Customers


1. In the Search customers box, type in the customer's name.

2. Click the Search Customers button.  

3. Click on the customer line or the Additional Options icon (3 dots, far right) and click the View Customer button. 


You will now be in the customer's record and can resend a reset password email.

1. Click the Membership tab at the top of the screen.

2. Click Send reset password email. 

(If the customer does not have an account or active membership, click on Activate membership now in the centre of the screen to automatically send a reset password link to the customer.)


3. If you have not already done so, check that the customer's email listed is correct. You can change the email address if necessary (see above). Note: Changing the email address here will not change the email address on the account. The email address here only relates to this instance of resetting the password.  

4. Click the Send Email button to immediately send the password reset link and email to the customer. Note: The reset password link is only clickable for 30 minutes for security reasons. 


Once the customer clicks the email reset link, they will be taken to a page where they can change their password. 


Reset a customer's password manually 

If the customer prefers you to change their password for them,

1. Follow the steps as above and click Send reset password email 

2. In step 3 in the previous section, where the customer's email address is presented, edit the customer's email address to the box office email address. NoteChanging the email here does not change the account's email address - it only changes for this instance of sending a reset password email. 

3. Click the Send Email button. 


4. In your box office email inbox, click the link in the reset password email. 

5. Update the password as required and share the password with the customer.

6. Let them know that once they login with the new password, they can reset the password themselves again if they wish.

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