Box Office Memberships Tab

The Membership tab of the Box Office is where we can manage our Benefit Products by sorting them by Benefit name, seeing what Benefits are expired or due to expire, and also how we can communicate with our customers and invite them to renew their Benefit Products. 

Go to the Box Office Icon on the left-hand panel and select Memberships.

1. In the first dropdown you can select which Benefit Product(s) to view. You can view by All Benefit Products or click for a dropdown displaying each Benefit Product name to filter to a specific Benefit Product only. 

2. You can then select to view either All Active Benefits or All Expired benefits. If viewing expired benefits you can select a date range to view the customers whose Benefit Products expired within that date range (you can't select a date range for active benefits in the same way).

3. The default number of Results shown per page is 20, however, clicking this dropdown will give you other result per page options. 

4. To email customers, you can now click Email all customers. In the pink box you will see how many customers you will be emailing e.g. 'Email All Customers (9)'. Alternatively to email only select customers, tick the box on the left hand-side of the record. You can also email an individual customer by clicking the Additional options icon (3 dots) on the right-hand side.

The email will automatically be populated with the following, but you can edit it as required:

Dear {{ member.postal_name }}

{{ benefit.days_left }}

{{ benefits_link }}

 Ticketsolve Tip

Emailing customers via the Memberships tab is a really easy way to contact customers whose Benefit has just expired. Use the calendar to select All expired benefits in a date range, e.g. the previous month, and send them one final email letting them know their Benefit has expired and a link to renew if they wish to.


You can also click the Download CSV button to download an excel file of the customer data including:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Postal address
  • Phone number
  • Benefit Product name
  • Benefit Product expiry date
  • Days left before expiry

Emails sent to customers from the Memberships tab will send as plain text, and will go to all customers with a valid email address - regardless of if they are opted in to email marketing. If you would like to email customers outside of Ticketsolve, then click the Download CSV button to download the customer emails.

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