Amending the Promotion Code Box Text

In this article, we'll walk through how to amend the text that appears above the Promotion Code box online. The promotion code box is used when customers are accessing a discount that's available with a promotion code or if an event is set up for exclusive access. 

If you don't see the Promotion Code box on your Ticketsolve website, you'll need to enable the "discounts_available" setting.


How to amend the Promotion Code box text

1. Go to Settings > Public Website Snippets.

2. Find the Snippet called "Promo code input explanation".

promo code box snippet amend.png

3. Here you can amend the promo code box text as required. We'd recommend keeping the text short to avoid it truncating.

4. Click Update to save your changes.

Where the Promo Code text displays

The Promotion Code text displays on the Show Details page:

promo code box on show details.png

You'll also see it on the Cart page once a ticket has been added:

promo code box on cart.png

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